It's time to gear up your preparation

Everything you need to pass your Accounting & Finance exams is here! Over 5,000+ students have chosen Excel Academy as their trusted online study partner.

It's time to gear up your

We will show you the secret to pass  all your accountancy and finance exams, trusted by 

hundreds of individuals and industry firms.

We will show you the secret to pass  all your accountancy and finance exams, trusted by hundreds of individuals and industry firms.

Teaching world-class leaders to sit among the best

We’re grateful to have educated 500,000 folks in 150+ countries and we’re trusted by industry teams like Nestle, Julius Berger, Keystone, and MTN.

Meet courses on forthcoming professional exams

Writing and communication skills

Case Study Live Class for November 2024 Diet

This course is a complete guideline on case study. In this course you will learn How to do a case study, and How to write a case study, analysis of case study...

N 10,000

ICSAN – Corporate Governance (Premium)

This broad, introductory course covers the principles of good governance across many different sectors. You will develop a strong core knowledge of corporate..

N 25,000

ICAN - Quantitative Analysis

This course will provide learners with a sound foundation in Quantitative Techniques which will assist understanding and competence in business decision-making processes...

N 15,000

ICAN ATS 2 – Information Technology

The Aim of this course is to help learners develop a practical knowledge and understanding of the role of information and communication technologies in an organization...

N 12,000

From one program to another fully stacked

Practice, learn with others in our interactive communities 

Excited to launch our full-stack knowledge

Complex topics made simple by prize winning tutors

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When you get stuck,our team of experts are here to help

Courses you shouldn't be worried about

We are grateful to have educated 500,000 folks in 150+ countries and we’re trusted by industry leading teams like Nestle , Julius Berger , Keystone , and  MTN

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN)

Utilize the most comprehensive and current study tools available, including lectures, summary notes, mock examination, tutor support, and more, to be fully prepared for ACCA exams.

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

Utilize the most comprehensive and current study tools available, including lectures, summary notes, mock examination, tutor support, and more, to be fully prepared for ACCA exams.

Reasons why we consider you as our #1 Priority

Practice, Learn with others in out interactive communities, get first hand lectures from our best experts

Quality Online Classes

Practice, Learn with others in our interactive communities, get first-hand lectures

Simplified Learning

We offer structured learning plan and self paced online courses which are available at anytime and accessible anywhere

Full of On-demand lectures

With us, you get class notes on each topic, practice questions, past questions, and video lectures across all our programs.

Excellent Study Support

We offer personalized support on 1:1 mentorship and personal coaching with quality lecture contents.

Setting the pace for others to tell their own stories

Experience more, never miss anything in-stock for you

Practice, Learn with others in our interactive communities, get first-hand lectures

Avallable for i0S and Android users

Why Choose Excel Academy

Simplified Learning

We offer structured learning plan and self paced online courses which are available at anytime and accessible anywhere.

Loaded library of on-demand lecture contents

With us, you get class notes on each topic, practice questions, past questions and video lectures across all our programs.

Excellent Study Support

We offer personalised support in the form of mock markings, calls with tutors, 1 on 1 mentorship and personal coaching with quality lecture contents.

Our Track Record at a Glance
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Current Enrollments
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Qualified and Certified Tutors
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Students Reviews


Explore our courses

Make learning simple and affordable by studying with us at Excel Academy.

Our Students' Testimonies

We aim at inspiring our students to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more in their respective journeys of life.
Ahmed Suluka — Lead Instructor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes. Many Students have used Excel Academy exclusively to pass their exams. Also, our research indicates that many students use Excel Academy to cover gaps left in their studies when using other providers.

No you don’t need them. We provide downloadable course notes for each topic and we cover the entire syllabus which is part of the lecture fee and the student does not have to pay for that separately.

Excel Academy has had consistently high pass rates over the years, and this is attested to by the fact that our current and alumni have gave wonderful testimonies about their experience with Excel Academy.

Excel Academy has been operating entirely online, and since day one has maintained a small team of dedicated experts. This low cost-base has allowed for relatively high investment in a streamlined online learning platform and high-quality production values. This in turn has allowed us to scale our tuition rapidly, reaching thousands of students across the world.

Wish to know more about the programs? Subscribe now!